Menstruation is often accompanied by numerous complaints due to premenstrual syndrome. With abdominal cramps, headaches, or emotional hypersensitivity, menstruation can be a real torture for some women. Fortunately, there are many solutions that can help you cope with this special time of the female cycle. The team at Sisters Republic will tell you more about acupuncture during menstruation.
1- Acupuncture and Menstrual Cycle
(a) Fundamental Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine, which dates back to the 5th century BC, consists of several disciplines:
- pharmacology
- massage
- Energy Exercises (Kung Fu, Qi Gong...)
- dietetics
- Moxibustion (Heating of specific acupuncture points)
- Acupuncture. It views the body as a whole and ensures good communication between the various organ functions.
It is considered today as holistic or unconventional medicine and is based on Taoist philosophy. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on an energetic vision of the body. According to this diseases and other disorders are caused by an imbalance of Qi, the life energy. The Qi circulates through the body's meridians and consists of Yin and Yang. In the case of poorly circulating energy or blockages, the therapist will try to restore the energy flows to balance through various methods (acupuncture, massage...) The traditional Chinese medicine affects the whole body to bring it back into balance, while Western medicine treats a specific dysfunction, generally through industrially manufactured molecules.
b) What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a therapeutic art that has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine. This treatment method, used for thousands of years, is also an ancient Taoist art, whose original name, Zhen Jiu, means "art of metal needles". The acupuncturist uses fine metal needles to stimulate various points on the body, referred to as acupuncture points. The process helps to regulate the Qi and thus alleviate certain ailments or prevent their occurrence.
c) How is the menstrual cycle viewed in traditional Chinese medicine?
In Chinese medicine, the menstrual cycle is observed as a whole and is said to be particularly influenced by three organs:
- Kidneys
- liver
- Spleen.
The average cycle duration is 28 days, which corresponds to the cycles of the moon. An irregular cycle, painful menstruation, but also a too strong (or too weak) menstruation are said to be related to an imbalance between Yin and Yang. These disturbances are said to lead to a malfunction of one or more of the organs associated with the female cycle. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) distinguishes four phases of the female cycle:
Phase 1: The Yin Phase
"Between the 1. and the 14th day of the female cycle, the Qi promotes an increase of blood to the upper body regions to build up the uterine lining. This is a building phase that corresponds to the energy component Yin."
- Phase 2: The Ovulation
"Normally, the egg is released on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle from one of the ovaries under the influence of LH hormones. In Chinese medicine, Yin is now at its peak and signals the beginning of the Yang phase. The rise in body temperature by 0.3 to 0.5 degrees is a sign of the transition to this energy component."
- Phase 3: The Yang Phase
"From the 15th day of the cycle until the first day of menstruation, Yang is now at work. It warms the blood in the uterus and facilitates the implantation of the egg in the case of fertilization."
- Phase 4: The Period

2- Treatment of painful and heavy menstruation with traditional Chinese medicine
the) How can acupuncture restore balance to the menstrual cycle and relieve menstrual pain?
"By puncturing at strategic points of the meridians - the energy axes in the body - the acupuncturist can restore the balance of Yin and Yang in the body. The fine metal needles are inserted a few millimeters to one centimeter deep under the skin and left in place for the duration of the session. While needles are the most important instruments for stimulating acupuncture points, the therapist can also use suction cups, moxa cigars, electricity, etc..."
Among the various natural remedies that can alleviate menstrual pain, acupuncture is certainly one of the most interesting. It can indeed relieve all symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: headaches, cramps, nausea, emotional instability, sensitive breasts, bloating ... Restoring the body's balance also helps regulate excessive (or weak) blood flow during the period and makes the cycle more regular. For women just before menopause who particularly suffer from premenstrual symptoms, acupuncture is also highly recommended.
b) How are acupuncture sessions conducted for menstrual disorders?
During the first conversation with the acupuncturist, a diagnosis is made. For almost an hour, the doctor will ask you questions to learn about all the symptoms you are suffering from, your lifestyle habits... For the following consultations, which are based on energetic treatment, between 20 and 30 minutes will be needed.
The number of required sessions depends on the reasons for the meeting, but in general, one to two sessions per menstrual cycle should be planned. Pain before menstruation indicates a dysfunction of the Yin . In the case of migraines, the onset of the Yang phase is more problematic. The therapist will use 2 to 4 needles for pain treatment. In the case of a very heavy period, the needle is placed on the big toe.
(c) Nutrition tips from Chinese medicine for painful and/or heavy menstruation
Parallel to the acupuncture sessions, a special diet to restore energetic balance is implemented. To alleviate menstrual pain, blood production and Qi must be promoted. Therefore, it is advised to eat more warm and cooked food a few days before the period. Bread, potatoes, grains, and whole grain rice are particularly recommended. Ginger is a food that warms the body and reduces cramps in the lower abdomen.
Acupuncture aims to restore the flow and life energy of your body to balance. Therefore, avoid intrusive menstrual hygiene products and rather wear absorbent menstrual underwear to not disturb or inhibit the effects of your acupuncture sessions.
In case of severe menstrual pain, hormonal complaints, and excessively strong (or weak) menstrual bleeding, acupuncture is an effective natural remedy. In addition to simple symptom treatment, the acupuncturist can help you restore balance to your body at a deeper level to better cope with your period.