"You have noticed a strange white fluid, a more or less strong discharge that smears your panties repeatedly, if not daily? You wonder where it comes from and what it is for? Are you worried? We will tell you everything you need to know!"
The right protection for discharge
What is that?
What is commonly known as vaginal discharge is actually a completely natural phenomenon that is part of the female menstrual cycle. The scientific name for the discharge is leukorrhea; it is usually a whitish secretion that can also be yellowish in color. This vaginal discharge is produced by the uterus and the vagina. Like menstruation, vaginal discharge varies from woman to woman: it can be more or less viscous or heavy, sometimes clear, slightly milky, white, light yellow, etc.
What is the discharge made of?
The whitish discharge consists of cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is a substance produced at the cervix. Its purpose is to ensure that sperm can reach the egg at the time of fertilization. That is why the whitish discharge is stronger in the time leading up to ovulation.
How long does the discharge last?
The discharge begins from a woman's puberty, from the first menstruation to menopause. In other words: These secretions occur throughout a woman's entire hormonal activity in her life. Therefore, one should learn to accept them!
What is their purpose?
"So don't panic if you discover a kind of white fluid in your panties! These vaginal secretions are completely natural and even play an essential role in women's health! Some women may fear that the discharge is a sign of illness or poor intimate hygiene, but the opposite is true! A whitish discharge is a sign that all reproductive organs are healthy and that the woman is fertile. In fact, your body is telling you when you have discharge that the process that allows you to become pregnant is either just beginning or is currently taking place!"
"But the discharge is not only a precursor to the fertile phase. The vaginal secretion removes dead cells from the vaginal mucosa, i.e., from the surface of the vagina, as well as sweat and cyprin (the fluid that lubricates the vaginal walls during intercourse). In short, your discharge is a self-cleaning function of your vagina!"
Therefore, note: You do not need to wash the inside of your vagina with soap, which often contains chemicals. This can disturb your intimate flora, which is a very sensitive part of your body.
Menstruation and vaginal discharge
"You may have already noticed that your discharge often changes just before your period. In fact, there are two types of discharge:"
- Whitish discharge that occurs before ovulation, often creamy and transparent. It is a sign that you are fertile.
- Whitish discharge that occurs before menstruation is often thicker and stronger and may take on a yellowish color.
"If your vagina produces whitish discharge before your period, it means that it is expelling dead cells."
Whitish discharge during pregnancy
The strength of the discharge depends on the hormones. From the beginning of pregnancy, the hormone levels of the body and placenta increase. If you are pregnant, it may therefore be that your discharge is stronger than usual and can even be liquid. During pregnancy, your discharge is more whitish and can take on a chunky and slimy consistency. So don't worry if you notice a change - that's completely normal!
But beware, a changed discharge is not necessarily a reliable sign of pregnancy.
Is my discharge normal?
"Is my discharge abnormal? "Who hasn't asked themselves that not once? Because in fact, the appearance of your discharge can also give you insight into how healthy your vagina is and whether you are suffering from a yeast infection or an infection.
vaginal yeast infection
If your discharge resembles curdled milk and is thicker than usual it is, this may be a sign of an imbalance in your vaginal flora. Candida albicans, a fungus that causes a mycosis, may have developed. If you are indeed suffering from a vaginal yeast infection, you will typically also have the following symptoms:
- Burning and/or Stinging
- itching
- skin irritations
A fungal infection can occur after antibiotic therapy, tight pants or underwear, heat, or frequent swimming in public pools.
vaginal infection
If your discharge is very strong, smells foul, and has multiple colors, accompanied by itching and swelling of the vulva and vagina, you may have bacterial vaginosis, i.e., a vaginal infection. This infection is caused by the germ Gardnerella vaginalis and not by poor intimate hygiene.
discharge in everyday life
Are you tired of your discharge staining every pair of panties? If you regularly use a panty liner or a sanitary pad because of this, we advise you to break this habit! Wearing a sanitary pad daily, even a very thin one, can dry out the vulva and have the opposite effect by increasing the whitish discharge. It is better to change your underwear more often.
If the white discharge really bothers you and you want to stay dry and comfortable, you can opt for an absorbent panty! This will absorb your vaginal fluid and keep you comfortably dry! These panties are usually worn during menstruation to manage bleeding, but they are also great for white discharge!