Many girls worry about when they will get their first period. The average age is between 10 and 14 years, but it can vary from woman to woman. This depends on various factors. To avoid unnecessary worries about an early or late onset of the first period, it is important to be properly informed.
At what age do girls get their first period?
There is no ideal age for puberty for girls - by the way, not for boys either. There are only average values that depend on the respective country or region. In France, for example, the average age of the first menstruation is 12.6 years and the median age is 13.1 years. This means that at this age, half of all girls have already had their first period.
In principle, the first menstruation means that the uterus, the ovaries, and the entire reproductive system are mature and ready for pregnancy. The first menstrual cycle begins, and the hormones start to take effect after this cycle. Young women then experience their first painful period.
The first period therefore coincides with the other signs of a girl's puberty. Pubic hair appears, and more hair grows under the armpits. The hips and breasts develop. These are the first signs of puberty. Menstruation usually occurs one year after the first hairs grow and 2 years after the growth of the breasts. So, if the first hairs grow at the age of 11, the first period generally occurs in the 12th year of life.
However, it is difficult to predict when one will get their first period. There are no concrete symptoms, only a white vaginal discharge may occur a few months before the first bleeding. In any case, it is important to have suitable feminine hygiene protection available at the beginning of puberty, such as our period panties, which are perfectly suited for this delicate phase of life. Because it can happen that young girls have an irregular period in the first few months, but this is not dangerous. The reproductive system may just need time to regulate itself perfectly...
What factors determine the age at first menstruation?
The age at the first period varies from one geographical location to another and from one population to another. This age can also change over time in the same locality.
Nutrition is one of the most important factors influencing the age of the first menstruation. This is particularly the parameter used to explain the decline in this age in France. In 1750, the age at the first period was estimated to be 17 years, in 1850 it was 15 years, and since 1994 it has been 12.6 years. The nutritional situation has improved significantly over these two centuries.
Generally speaking, the age at first menstruation depends on the living conditions of the adolescent girls. A survey conducted in India in 1998 found, for example, that girls from wealthy families had their first period on average at 12.1 years, compared to 15.4 years for adolescent girls from poorer families.
The age at which the first period occurs also depends on ethnic background and genetic factors. In the United States, for example, the average age for girls with black skin is 12.1 years, for Hispanic girls it is 12.2 years, and for girls with white skin it is 12.6 years.
"Birthplace, climate, and especially sunlight exposure seem to influence the age of the first period. In France, girls in the south get their first period about 4 months earlier than girls in the north. In northern countries, young girls have their first period later than teenagers in Mediterranean countries: 13 years in Denmark, 13.2 years in Sweden, and 13.3 years in Finland, compared to 12 years in Italy, 12 years and 4 months in Greece, and 12.6 years in Spain."
On a personal level, the onset of the first menstrual cycle also depends on the physical conditions of the girl, particularly her body mass and activities. Athletes with a very athletic body start menstruating later than other girls because they do not have enough body fat to be ready for pregnancy.
Questions that girls ask at the age of their first period
Talking about menstruation is important, especially at the age of the first period. Young girls can discuss this topic with older friends, sisters, or mothers. They can also visit teenage forums and websites that explain menstruation and how it works. The Sisters' blog has selected some frequently asked questions about menstruation.
Is the period painful?
Typically, the first bleeding is not painful; it goes almost unnoticed. You only notice the bleeding when you see the spots on your underwear. However, when the menstrual cycle becomes regular, most girls experience pain during their period, although this also depends on the physiology of each individual woman. The best way to avoid stains on clothing is to invest in one of our washable period panties, a comfortable and efficient garment that lasts for years.
"I am 15 and still haven't gotten my period, is that normal?"
It's certainly not unusual! There are no valid "norms" for menstruation. We have already discussed that the average age for the first period is between 10 and 14 years. However, in cases of precocious puberty, it can occur as early as 9 years old! Therefore, it is important to provide information to young girls when they show interest in the topic... Sometimes, however, menstruation may not start until the age of 16 or even later. In both cases, there is no reason to worry. One can simply talk to their doctor about it during a routine check-up to feel reassured.
Which feminine hygiene products are particularly suitable?
"Sanitary pads, panty liners, tampons, menstrual cups... There are a variety of solutions that can be used for menstruation. Disposable hygiene products are the most commonly used, but they are expensive, environmentally harmful, and sometimes even dangerous. Even though tampons do not destroy virginity, they can still cause severe infections (toxic shock syndrome). The solution: Choose a reusable option made from safe materials. Washable period underwear offers more comfort in everyday life and is more environmentally friendly."
What about sex?
No matter how old you are when you get your first period: its onset means that you can become pregnant. Therefore, you should protect yourself during any sexual intercourse. It is best to see a gynecologist as soon as you become sexually active, or even before your first sexual intercourse. The specialist will provide you with all the information you need to avoid unpleasant surprises and will talk to you about ways to prevent diseases such as the papillomavirus, which can be easily detected in young girls.