"When you are in a bad mood, those around you often ask: 'Are you on your period or what?' In fact, women generally exhibit changed behavior during menstruation. They feel tired more quickly, become more irritable, and are particularly emotional. This is completely normal."
During their period, women experience a significant drop in serotonin (the neurotransmitter responsible for good mood), iron, and blood sugar. But that's not all. Menstruation also brings significant pain and discomfort. In fact, menstrual and digestive problems often go hand in hand. Women often dread the onset of their period every month. However, this situation can be managed or at least the discomfort reduced. But how? On one hand, with the period panties, and on the other hand, also with the food on your plate. As you can see, it's about paying special attention to your diet during your period.
The right nutrition is your best friend.
During your period, your body goes through significant hormonal changes. To effectively cope with this under the best conditions, it is essential to pay attention to good nutrition and to break bad habits. But what is the reason for this? When you eat well, you enable your body to stay healthy. This way, you are in a better mood, fit, and feel good. The foods on your plate also reduce the risk of dysmenorrhea, a condition that is largely associated with poor nutrition.
The right foods for menstruation
"Before, during, and a few days after your period, you should include the following foods in your daily diet to stay healthy and better manage the pain and discomfort during this time, which you cannot escape (unless you are pregnant):"
The carbohydrates contained in oats are known for their calming effect, which directly influences the brain. Since its glycemic index is relatively low, oats are a food that is efficiently and quickly absorbed by the body, thus contributing to a healthy diet. The result: you snack less in between meals. Depending on taste and current appetite, oats can be eaten in various forms: cooked as a starchy food or in the form of flakes. However, you should also pay attention to the quantity. Ideally, 3 to 5 tablespoons for breakfast.
Eggs contain high-quality proteins that are necessary to have enough energy for the day. Several components of eggs are also known to effectively combat feelings of fatigue: Vitamin B6 and tryptophan. And if you need to watch your cholesterol levels, that's not a problem either. Just limit yourself to 3 eggs per week. With these foods, you can improve your eating habits.
Bananas are also a good choice for a healthy diet. The banana is very rich in vitamin B6 and boosts the production of all neurotransmitters for a good mood. With its high potassium content, the banana is also known to reduce muscle contractions. Thus, consuming it can also help reduce menstrual pain. And finally, the vitamin C in the banana aids in better iron absorption. During menstruation, it is very important to compensate for iron loss.
Green vegetables
Green vegetables (such as spinach or cabbage) are very beneficial for your health. During your period, their effect is even more important, as this source of iron and vitamin B helps to avoid digestive problems.
When you have your period, there is often a strong craving for sweets and cakes. This is completely understandable, but by no means reasonable. Regardless of whether you are menstruating or not, these foods are not the healthiest for your body. For a little snack in between, it is better to eat nuts. This food contains Omega 3, which means good fats that are very important for getting back in shape and especially for avoiding cravings. You can keep a bag of nuts handy and eat them whenever you feel like it.
whole grain products
Like fruits and vegetables, whole grain products are foods that health experts recommend for daily consumption. They are particularly high in fiber and help you regulate your digestive system. Whole grain products also contain vitamins and minerals that keep you fit throughout the day.
Red meat
Meat contains large amounts of iron. It can therefore compensate for your body's iron loss during your period. And the ideal amount? A portion of 100 to 150 g of red meat every day.
Foods to avoid during menstruation
"During your period, you should also pay attention to reducing certain foods. This can help alleviate some of the symptoms that usually accompany menstruation:"
salt and sugar
"Reduce your salt and sugar intake as much as possible. Sugar and salt are responsible for many menstrual complaints: water retention, bloating, etc. The good news is that chocolate and painful periods go hand in hand. Conversely, it can be very effective against depression and pain!"
coffee and tea
During menstruation, it would be advisable to reduce the consumption of caffeine, theine, as well as soft drinks. These beverages are delicious, but they are responsible for an increase in stress. During your period, you are usually nervous, and stress does not make things better. It can even worsen your mood. Choose herbal teas for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. For example, ginger and menstrual pain is a natural grandmother's remedy that works!
alcohol and tobacco
During your period, you should avoid alcohol as much as possible. Alcoholic beverages can lead to increased water retention in the tissues and significantly affect your mood. The same applies to tobacco.
dairy products
It sounds paradoxical, but dairy products promote the contraction of the uterus, which usually leads to cramps. Try to eat as little butter, milk, or cheese as possible during your period. Now you know how important nutrition is during your period and how you need to adjust your eating habits to get through this time well.