After the birth of a child, many women have open questions, and the topic is little known, although it is not a taboo. What will my menstrual cycle look like after delivery? When will I get my period again? Will it be painful? In general, new mothers have an irregular cycle after giving birth. However, each woman has her own rhythm, and the first period after birth can occur earlier or later. Menstruation also depends on the individual lifestyle of the woman. Therefore, there is no reason to worry if your period is still not there after 3 months, for example, if you are breastfeeding. On the other hand, precautions should be taken if you do not want to become pregnant again, as the absence of menstruation does not necessarily mean that you are not fertile. So what does it really look like? This article summarizes the topic.
How does the body react after childbirth?
Pregnancy and childbirth bring about various changes. The muscles are stretched and need time to recover. The uterus, which has become much larger, returns to its normal size after four to eight weeks. When the menstrual cycle returns to normal after childbirth depends on various factors.
After childbirth, the uterus undergoes a significant internal cleansing. With the uterine contractions, the uterus reduces its size and limits blood loss. These cramps are relatively painful, but they serve a good purpose. Women who find it difficult to endure these contraction pains can take a pain reliever.
At the same time, the postpartum discharge, known as lochia, exits the uterus. It occurs in the first days after birth in the form of bright red bleeding and is heavier than a menstrual period. Gradually, it becomes lighter and takes on a brownish color, which later turns yellow or white. This vaginal discharge contains cervical mucus, blood clots, and membrane fragments from the placenta. This "cleansing" lasts for two to three weeks.
First bleeding after delivery
"After 12 to 20 days, some women experience a fairly strong initial bleeding that resembles menstruation. This is not a menstruation or the start of a first menstrual cycle after childbirth, but rather a discharge that is part of the healing process of the uterus."
In the case of such bleeding, you should have an appropriate hygiene protection ready. Since the cervix is not yet fully closed, internal hygiene protection such as menstrual cups or tampons is not recommended, as they can lead to an infection. Instead, we recommend the washable period underwear, which is more efficient here. It offers young mothers optimal protection and comfort.
Women who have recently given birth may suffer from various complaints. In addition to uterine contractions, hemorrhoids or constipation may also occur. Women who have experienced a perineal tear or episiotomy need a cushion to sit comfortably, as the scar can be a bit tight in the first few days.
When does the first period come after childbirth?
The first menstruation can occur as early as six weeks after childbirth. It is a sign of the first menstrual cycle after delivery. The onset of menstruation also means that the hormonal system is functioning again as it did before childbirth. In women who do not breastfeed, the first period resumes 6 to 8 weeks after delivery, while breastfeeding mothers experience it later, some time after weaning. Breastfeeding causes the release of prolactin, which stimulates lactation and simultaneously prevents estrogen production. For mothers who exclusively breastfeed, the first menstruation may not occur until several months after delivery. Every woman is different, and a late onset of menstruation is not a cause for concern.
What will the first period after childbirth be like?
The first period after childbirth is usually longer and heavier than the last period before pregnancy. However, there is no reason to worry if you need to change your menstrual hygiene product every four hours or even every two hours. The menstruation will, on the other hand, be less painful than before. This first period after giving birth is often accompanied by premenstrual syndrome: irritability, bloating, cravings, sore breasts, etc.
The female cycle is still irregular in the first months after leaving the maternity ward. A woman's body needs some time to return to its normal rhythm. Therefore, it is difficult to predict when the next period will occur. It is nearly impossible to predict the length of the menstrual cycle, especially during the first two cycles. Additionally, the length of the follicular phase varies, and the menstrual cycle may initially seem chaotic after childbirth. So, no worries!
How can you recognize the first fertile days after childbirth?
The menstrual cycle consists of several phases. The follicular phase corresponds to the period between the first day of menstruation and the ovulation phase. The luteal phase occurs between ovulation and the onset of menstruation and usually lasts 14 days. This means that the fertile days take place before the onset of menstruation. Menstruation only occurs if fertilization does not take place. The mature egg and the corpus luteum are prepared for a possible pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, they shrink and are eventually expelled during menstruation along with fragments of the uterine lining. Thus, the first monthly cycle after childbirth begins long before the first menstruation, and the woman is already fertile before she menstruates.
You don't want to get pregnant again right away? Use the wide range of different contraceptives such as a low-dose pill, an implant, or other progesterone contraceptives that the doctor or midwife can prescribe on a case-by-case basis. You can also use condoms during intercourse, which is the only real barrier against sexually transmitted infections and diseases, so keep that in mind. However, it is not possible to insert a coil immediately after giving birth, as the uterus takes about eight weeks to return to its original size. So you will have to wait a little.
Breastfeeding can be a method of contraception, but it is still unreliable. To be effective, this contraceptive method must meet several conditions: The baby must be less than 6 months old, it must be breastfed frequently and exclusively, and the mother must not have menstruation. Therefore, it is advisable to use a physical or hormonal contraceptive method to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.