The menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon of women that begins at puberty. Although the length of the menstrual cycle is usually stable, it can be unusually long for some women. What are the characteristics of a menstrual cycle? What factors cause it to last longer than average? In which cases should I see a doctor? We will tell you everything ...
1-The Menstrual Cycle: What is it about? What are the different phases?
A menstrual cycle consists of four different phases and corresponds to a cyclical period of about 28 days. On average, a girl's first hormonal cycle begins around the age of 12 with the onset of her period.
- Menstruationsphase
The menstrual phase, commonly referred to as "period," is the first part of the female cycle. It involves the shedding of the uterine lining, known as the endometrium, which is expelled through the vagina in the form of blood when fertilization of the egg has not occurred. This period typically lasts between 3 and 7 days, during which a woman can lose up to 60 ml of blood.
- Follikelphase
In this phase the uterine walls thicken and fill with blood due to the hormones involved in the menstrual cycle (estrogens), preparing for the possible implantation of a fertilized egg. A second hormone called FSH promotes the growth of ovarian follicles, each containing an egg. Every month, a mature egg is produced, waiting to be fertilized. At the end of the follicular phase, the estrogen level in the blood rises exponentially, peaking the day before the start of the ovulation phase.
- Ovulationsphase
Triggered by a massive increase in the estrogen level in the blood, the hormone LH now acts. It causes the release of the egg from a follicle of the ovary; this is called ovulation. The timing of ovulation varies slightly from woman to woman, but on average, ovulation is assumed to occur on the fourteenth day of the cycle. The matured egg is transported through the fallopian tube to the uterus, whose wall continues to fill with blood. Normally, it takes three or four days for the egg to travel this distance, and then it remains in the uterus for another day before gradually dissolving if it is not fertilized.
- Lutealphase
The last phase of the menstrual cycle consists of the transformation of the ovarian follicle into the so-called "corpus luteum". This is the form that the follicle takes when it empties. The follicle then releases estrogen and progesterone into the woman's bloodstream. This prepares the uterine lining to receive a fertilized egg, which will continue to develop until the birth of the child.
2 - How long does the menstrual cycle last?
The length of a cycle is calculated from day 1 of menstruation to the day before day 1 of the following menstruation. Depending on the woman, the cycle can be longer or shorter. Some women have irregular cycles, so the length from one cycle to the next is not fixed.
A cycle that lasts longer than 35 days is considered long. In some cases, it can even exceed 56 days. A short cycle is referred to when it is less than 21 days.
3- The different causes of a long menstrual cycle
In general, varying lengths of a woman's menstrual cycles are attributed to the phases before ovulation. They have a direct impact on the overall duration of the cycle. If these phases are long, it may be due to various, more or less benign causes:
- The age of the affected woman. During puberty, when hormonal fluctuations begin in girls, long cycles are quite common. Even before menopause, the cycles can tend to become longer.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS. This syndrome affects over 10% of women, but it is benign. It is a hormonal disorder that can be alleviated through medical treatment as well as a healthy lifestyle.
- Thyroid dysfunction. As with PCOS, a thyroid problem can also lead to a hormonal imbalance.
- Deficiencies, certain medications, or high physical stress can disrupt the body's overall balance.
- Discontinuation of the pill or other hormonal contraceptives such as the IUD. If you have been taking hormonal contraceptives for years and then stop, it may happen that the body is exposed to a hormonal imbalance for several months before it self-regulates. This can lead to longer cycles.
- Depressions, stress-laden life phases, or major changes such as a death, moving, or exams.
4- What are the symptoms of a long menstrual cycle? When is it necessary to consult a doctor?
If your cycle is regular, you can calculate how long it lasts to find out if it is particularly long meaning that it lasts longer than 35 days. If it is irregular, you can still calculate its length for each cycle and keep a sort of logbook. Various cycle apps can help you track hormonal cycles efficiently and give you an overview. Even if a slightly longer cycle does not require a doctor's visit, nothing stops you from visiting your general practitioner for safety.
However, if you notice a sudden absence of menstruation with a regular cycle, this can cause you more concern. In this case, you should take the time to perform a pregnancy test if your period is more than 10 days late.
If you have not had a period for at least three months and your pregnancy tests are negative, a visit to a specialist is usually required. This does not apply to women who are continuously taking the pill.
The gynecologist then conducts an examination and can prescribe blood tests, a pelvic ultrasound, etc.
4- What treatments are available for a long menstrual cycle?
Remember: A period panty is a safe and effective option that is gentle on your body, especially when you have a heavy menstrual flow.
The treatment of a long menstrual cycle depends on the cause of the phenomenon. In some cases, the specialist may prescribe concentrated hormones to chemically induce a cycle. If the cause is stress, the doctor may prescribe anxiolytics or recommend a phytotherapeutic remedy or relaxation techniques to solve the problem. If the hormonal imbalance is caused by a disease, it can sometimes be treated with a specific medication. A balanced diet can address deficiencies, and a therapy can help you overcome depression that may be triggered by long menstrual cycles.
The range of possible treatments and solutions is therefore as vast as the spectrum of factors that can be responsible for a long menstrual cycle.