"It is not always easy to be a woman. We are confronted with many difficulties. The first is the overwhelming changes in our bodies as we transition from teenager to adult, getting our first period, etc."
The onset of the first menstruation is often experienced as the first day as a woman. The girl can now suddenly become pregnant. This is also a delicate phase for the parents, who must explain to her how to protect herself during sex.
But alongside the exciting feeling of finally becoming an adult, menstruation is also synonymous with hormonal upheavals, possible abdominal pain, questions, and a lot of uncertainty.
First of all, it is important to know that a menstrual cycle is divided into different phases:
- The Follicular Phase.
- The ovulation phase, during which fertilization is possible.
- Die Lutealphase.
- The Menstrual Phase: When the bleeding starts, the first day of menstruation begins.
Simply put: there is the Before, the During, and the After ovulation, which corresponds to the day when the woman is fertile.
Over the years, the taboo surrounding menstruation has gradually diminished. Menstruation has become something normal, and we are no longer ashamed to talk about it. Perhaps a close friend has also told you about the connection between menstruation and the moon.
Indeed, this is a phenomenon that we call "moons." It is an ancient knowledge that can easily be integrated into daily life. Accordingly, the female menstruation is linked to the lunar cycle.
What is it all about? What influence does the moon have on the female cycle? How can we optimally utilize theEnergy of the moon?
"Find out now about this mysterious connection between the menstrual cycles and the lunar cycle."
Let's start right at the beginning.
The Origin of the Connection Between the Moon and Menstruation
Did you know that in Ancient Greek the terms "menstruation" and "moon" are translated with the same word? In Ancient Greek, aménr means moon. The idea of the cycle comes from the Latin mensis, which means "month". This is the origin of the French expression "to have one's moons", which means to menstruate every month.
"Some people think that it is no coincidence that the lunar cycle and the menstrual cycle are both 28 days long. The physiology of women follows the lunar cycle exactly."
This phenomenon exists in many cultures, especially among the traditional Native Americans. They were particularly connected to nature and referred to the female menstrual cycle as "her moons have."
Back then, women always had their period at the same time: during the waxing moon or new moon. They would come together during this time to fully connect with nature and especially with the moon energy.
Nowadays, however, we have completely disconnected ourselves from the rhythm of nature due to modern society and our lifestyle.
"One speaks here of moon phases:"
- The phase of the new moon: It symbolizes birth with the beginning of the cycle.
- The phase of the first quarter moon: It represents growth.
- The phase of the full moon: It represents unfolding.
- The phase of the last quarter moon: It symbolizes the waning and heralds the beginning of a new cycle.
What influence does the moon have on the female menstrual cycle?
Scientific Approach versus Symbolism and Spirituality
"We live today in a society that only believes in scientific facts and discredits beliefs related to nature."
Nevertheless, there are many myths about the Moon that make it mysterious. The Moon has a direct influence on our lives, especially on tides.
Nevertheless, several scientists have already dealt with the question of the relationship between the lunar calendar and the menstrual cycle. According to them, there is a cultural, psychological, and societal explanation for this, which is more complex than just the gravitational pull of the moon.
Synchronization of the phases of the lunar cycle with those of the menstrual cycle
Every female cycle is directly connected to the moon:
- The Menstrual Phase: It is the phase of the new moon.
- The pre-ovulatory phase: This is associated with the phase of the first quarter. It represents a time full of positivity and vitality, during which the moon appears in the form of a crescent.
- The Ovulation Phase: It corresponds to the full moon. The lunar energy is at its peak and announces the fertile time of the woman. Libido, i.e., sexual desire and femininity, unfold freely and completely during the ovulation period.
- The premenstrual phase: This corresponds to the phase of the last quarter. This means that the moon is waning and that more creativity is present and needs to be expressed.
How can one harness the energy of the full moon?
Every woman is connected to the moon and its cycles. To optimally harness the energy of the full moon, which symbolizes fulfillment, there are several methods. Each woman has her own way of understanding the full moon and can apply the corresponding method.
semi-precious stones
"Some semi-precious stones release energies that can help you reconnect with the power of the full moon. Place them on your windowsill to absorb the energy of the moon."
To relax
Engage in a relaxing activity for your body! The full moon is the perfect time for a yoga session to reconnect with your body, or a meditation to recharge your energy. Don't let anything unnatural disturb or interrupt this precious moment. This time, we also recommend using menstruation underwear to experience your period in a calm and natural way.
"Meet nice women from your circle of acquaintances! The full moon is a good time to get together and spend time together. Additionally, you can celebrate the moon with certain sacred and traditional rituals."
Taking care of yourself
Spoil yourselves! Take a nice hot bath, pamper yourselves with essential oils, put on a wellness mask! It's time to honor your inner goddess 😊.