When menstruation is delayed by several days, one begins to doubt. Pregnant or not pregnant? While a pregnancy is usually easy to determine, the other causes of amenorrhea are not necessarily obvious. In some cases, a delayed or missed period is normal. Sometimes it is essential to consult a doctor for advice. It is important to know the various possible causes of this disorder to understand whether a visit to a specialist is necessary.
When is my period considered late?
The length of a menstrual cycle typically ranges from 21 to 35 days. For individuals with a regular cycle, the return of menstruation occurs after a set interval. A delay in menstruation corresponds to a delay in relation to this periodicity. However, from the first day of the delay, there is no reason to worry. Menstruation can spontaneously occur after a few days. To give you peace of mind, you can create your own calendar for calculating your menstrual cycle.
A real delay that may indicate a serious illness manifests in two ways:
- Primary amenorrhea: If young girls over 14 years of age have not yet had their first period or show physical changes (hair growth, breast development, fat tissue on the hips...), or if young girls over 16 years of age show these physical changes but still have not had their first period. In general, these symptoms indicate a harmless delay in puberty or, very rarely, Turner syndrome.
- Secondary Amenorrhea: If a woman who has already had her period is waiting for her period for more than 6 months or over a period that corresponds to three cycles since her last period.
"Normal" delayed period
"During puberty, after a pregnancy, while breastfeeding, or during menopause, it is quite natural for a period to be delayed."
To find out if you are pregnant, a pregnancy test (urine test or Clearblue Plus early pregnancy test) is usually sufficient. An elevated level of the hormone HCG, also known as the pregnancy hormone, indicates that fertilization has occurred. A pregnancy is possible in sexually active women, especially if they have unprotected sex. If your period is late, you should consider the possibility of pregnancy, even if you are convinced that you are not pregnant. Ultrasound examinations and blood tests can quickly provide answers in case of doubt. However, a negative test result is also possible even if the woman is pregnant (denial of pregnancy or test taken too early). If you have the usual signs of pregnancy (nausea and vomiting, dizziness, hypersomnia...), the cause of your late period is clear.
"When a woman is breastfeeding, it takes some time before she gets her period again, especially if she is exclusively breastfeeding. The absence of menstruation can last for several months."
At the beginning and end of the fertile period, i.e. during puberty and in menopause, it is normal for women to have an irregular period. Delays, but also a longer period occur frequently and should not worry you.
Delayed period due to lifestyle or experienced shocks
A delayed menstruation can also be caused by hormonal disturbances due to certain situations:
- Too skinny young women, those suffering from anorexia or bulimia may have irregular cycles or even no period at all. The body does not have enough fat tissue to produce estrogen, indicating that this woman is unable to carry a pregnancy due to her constitution;
- Severe obesity or weight gain can also be a cause;
- A significant weight loss can lead to an irregular period;
- Intensive sports activity:Young women with very athletic bodies produce only a little estrogen;
- Contraceptives: A contraceptive method that consists solely of progesterone leads to a state comparable to pregnancy. Taking the pill can also result in the absence of menstruation, leaving only so-called "withdrawal bleeding";
- Discontinuation of a contraceptive after several years: In this case, the period may be delayed, especially if it was already irregular before the start of contraception;
- Intake of certain medications (Antidepressants, antipsychotics, chemotherapy...), which cause excessive activity in the pituitary gland. This results in the secretion of too much prolactin, leading to a decrease in estrogen secretion;
- Uterine scars after surgery (Treatment of fibroids, curettage, abortion, cesarean section...) ;
- Large emotional shocks (grief, job loss, divorce...)
- Stress
- Poor diet with severe deficiency symptoms.
Finally, internal causes can also be responsible for a delayed menstruation, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. In this endocrine disorder, the ovary produces inferior eggs. A thyroid disorder can also lead to menstrual disturbances as well as anatomical anomalies, the latter being extremely rare.
If you have had several negative pregnancy tests and the amenorrhea persists, you should consult a doctor or go directly to a gynecologist. In cases of severe stress, menstruation can be delayed by a week or even 15 days. A specialist can determine the cause of a delayed menstruation.
The following disturbances should alarm women:
- If the absence of the period occurs more than 3 times within a year;
- If the menstrual cycle lasts longer than 35 days;
- "You have strong or longer periods than usual.""This can be heavier than usual and/or bleeding that lasts longer than 7 days. This can happen with or without delay; in any case, it is advisable to consult. The use of period underwear can also help you manage heavy menstrual bleeding."
In some cases, a late period is normal. Sometimes the cause is harmless, but it is important to receive the right treatment. A prolonged absence of menstruation ultimately affects reproduction, and the woman may have difficulty getting pregnant.