For girls, puberty is a time of numerous turbulence. The body transforms 'and one must learn anew to understand and to love oneself. You may be wondering if what you are currently experiencing,' normal is or whether you are a little too early or too late. To help you understand better, Sisters Republic explains everything you should know.
1. What happens during puberty?
"Our body changes throughout our lives and goes through several phases, and puberty is one of them."r growth peak. But what is actually puberty? A person is considered "in puberty" when the reproductive organs are functional. In girls whose sexual organs are a vulva, a vagina, a uterus, and ovaries, puberty occurs between aeight and thirteen years on.
But how does all this work? The hormones that are produced in the brain and the ovaries trigger puberty. The ovaries (or "gonads") are two glands located on either side of the uterus. They produce hormones that one estrogens and Progesterone is responsible for the majority of the changes that occur during puberty.
'If we all produce the same hormones, why are some girls hairier than others? That is due to the Genes, 'that our parents have passed down to us! The size, the weight, and the same type of pubic hair are already predetermined by our genetic code.'
2. The first signs of puberty
A growth spurt
"Have you perhaps already noticed that your feet are growing faster and your sneakers no longer fit properly? Are boys your age smaller than you? That's normal. Girls grow faster. They gain about during this time." eight centimeters per year. The whole skeleton grows with it! This way, all proportions are gradually maintained to ensure the adult size to reach. When does one stop growing? The growth stop occurs as soon as the body has reached its target size. Normally, one stops in the two years after the onset of first menstrual period to grow up. A little patience and everything will be alright again.
More curves
Not only do the bones grow. The fat masses also begin to distribute differently in the body. You have probably already noticed that the Hips again bosom change increasingly? The breast takes a few years to its final size to achieve. These changes can be due to being overweight, that is, the weight gain, be accompanied. If this worries you, you can calculate your Body Mass Index in your health booklet "look up. One of these pages is a graphic that shows a reference curve related to age and size. How can I know that I am average? It's quite simple, the weight curve must lie between the lower and upper curve. Weight gain is related to the increase in bone mass. That's totally" naturally and essential for our growth as well as our health.
Increased hair growth
At the beginning of puberty, the body produces more and more hair. It mainly grows on the legs, and the armpits and in pubic area. But what do they do there? The pubic hair is very useful and protects the mucous membranes of the vagina from bacteria. At Sisters Republic, we believe that body hair should not be a reason, to be ashamed. Everyone has them! And they play an important role in our health.
Early maturity or delayed growth
"It is completely normal not to feel fully ready yet or to be overwhelmed by events. Some individuals develop the signs of puberty earlier or later than average. We are talking about the" precocity or from precocious puberty, when the signs of growth begin a little earlier. Some individuals may also experience a growth disorder or experience a delayed onset of puberty. Don't be afraid to talk to your family about your worries or a Endocrinologists to consult if you notice an anomaly. He will determine whether there is a growth hormone deficiency or not, and if necessary, suggest an appropriate treatment.
3. Experience her first menstrual period well
When did we actually hear about the function of the first period for the first time? In the locker room or probably in series, however, it remains a topic that causes uncertainty and misunderstanding among many of us, in adulthood as well as during puberty. That's why there is Sisters Republic to help you with questions. We explain it to you step by step! First, the body begins to produce a pale secretion during puberty. The white discharge is a fluid that the body produces to naturally cleanse our vagina. The first menstruation often occurs shortly thereafter. They can be accompanied by acne and pain. The first menstrual periods are quite unpredictable. The Menstrual flow, i.e. the amount of blood that flows from the vagina varies from person to person and from period to period. Menstruation can last from one to ten days and sometimes can be absent for several months. In adulthood, everything should stabilize and take on a regular rhythm.
The hormones provoke the physical but also psychological changes. The mood as well as ours feelings can change without reason from one minute to the next. That is normal, every change puts our nerves to a tough test! To feel good in everyday life, it is very important, that one takes care of oneself. For this reason, our daily routine should include the following activities and habits:
- Relaxing under the shower once a day
- Cleanse and hydrate the face in the morning and evening to prevent acne.
- Engage in a sport to prevent stomach cramps
- Sleep at least 9 hours per night
- Eat healthy and hearty
- Avoiding endocrine-active substances (tobacco, alcohol, etc.)
Some medications, such as ibuprofen, relieve menstrual pain. If you suffer from cramps or menstrual pain to the point that you can no longer attend classes or participate in certain sports, you should see a doctor. Ultimately, this also includes choosing the right menstrual protection that adapts to our body and lifestyle to gain more comfort and mobility. The menstrual panties from Sisters Republic are easier to use than other period protection. They contain no chemical products, unlike tampons, pads, or traditional sanitary napkins. Listen to your body, it will thank you!