For women, everyday life means a multitude of tormenting repetitions. A woman's coming of age also means many physical changes and hormonal transformations.
Fortunately, the many taboos surrounding menstruation are gradually disappearing. Although girls are being educated about their period at an earlier age, there are still some things about their bodies that are not necessarily taught to them, and risks that can arise during sexual intercourse.
In fact, there are still some unknown things. This also includes the white discharge? He is present in a woman's life every day!
The white discharge before the period plays an important role in a woman's life and is often misunderstood. It is crucial for fertility and a possible pregnancy.
It is important to understand how a woman's body works. .
Today, Sisters Republic explains what this white discharge before your period is all about, how it changes depending on the menstrual phase, and what treatment options are available.
First of all: What is cervical mucus?
Despite its not very glamorous name and its little-known function, cervical mucus is nevertheless omnipresent in the lives of women.
According to the definition, cervical mucus, also known as white discharge, is a Secret produced by the glandular cells of the cervix..
In simpler terms, cervical mucus appears as a whitish, viscous substance. However, its consistency varies from one phase to another. The mucus consists of several components such as mucus, water, enzymes, and nutrients.
The cervical mucus fulfills 2 main tasks:
- Protects the uterus from potential attacks by bacteria: Thanks to its consistency, the cervix is airtight. This is how the cervical mucus filters the path of the sperm and prepares them to reach the egg in the fallopian tube.
- To become pregnant: The cervical mucus filters the sperm and helps them survive so that they can conceive a baby.
Afterwards, the cervical mucus can appear in different forms:
- Abundant and thin-flowing.
- Viscous, shiny, transparent, liquid, and abundantly available
- Sparse and dry.
- White and thick.
white discharge during the various phases of the period
A normal cycle is divided into phases4:
- The Follicular Phase: This first phase corresponds to the cycle in which the body prepares for a possible pregnancy, just like every month.
- The Ovulation Phase: This phase corresponds to the fertile time or the day of ovulation. It usually occurs shortly before menstruation.
- Die Lutealphase: This follows the ovulation phase. The follicle transforms into a corpus luteum, which stimulates the uterine lining, preparing it for the implantation of a fertilized egg.
- The menstrual phase: This is the so-called menstrual bleeding when the uterus causes bleeding. This phase also marks the end of the cycle. It is also the time when libido reaches its peak.
In every cycle, there is white discharge before the period. However, it does not occur in the same way, in the same amount, or under the same circumstances as the menstrual cycle.
During the follicular phase
At the beginning of the cycle, the cervical mucus is very sparse. Furthermore, it looks white and viscous.
At this stage of the female cycle, the cervical mucus ensures that the woman's cervix is hermetically sealed to protect it from potential bacteria. Additionally, it blocks the passage of sperm.
Just before ovulation
Before ovulation, a woman's body prepares for pregnancy. One phenomenon that is significant for the body is cervical mucus, which reacts shortly before its arrival: Its amount increases. and its consistency is more fluid and stringy.
During ovulation
"Ovulation is the time when a woman can conceive a child. On the day of ovulation, the cervical mucus has a special consistency. It appears like egg white. This means it is" elastic, shiny, transparent, thin-flowing, and abundantly available. The pH value also increases and is between 7 and 8.
This change allows him to let potential sperm pass through and filter out those that are poorly shaped or weak. His new pH level plays an essential role in fertility, as it promotes the survival of sperm in the vagina.
After ovulation
When the fertile time is over, the cervical mucus changes drastically: it is much less productive and drier. He begins the cycle anew and takes on his task again and blocks the cervix.
Depending on which phase of the menstrual cycle the woman is in, the texture, amount, and appearance of the cervical mucus change. By observing the condition of her mucus, one can therefore calculate the timing of ovulation.
This allows us to determine at what times sexual intercourse should be preferred for fertilization or, conversely, at what times sexual intercourse should be protected.
Application, Treatment and Solutions
Cervical mucus, this intimate ally for body and health
There is no need to treat cervical mucus. It is a completely healthy and natural phenomenon of the body. It protects the vagina from bacteria and thus from infection risks. Moreover, it is essential for reproduction.
"However, if your vaginal discharge seems strange to you, you are worried, or the consistency does not match the descriptions, you can always consult a gynecologist. This expert will examine you and take the time to explain what is going on."
Attention, avoid taking medications: it often proves unnecessary and can sometimes even lead to more serious problems later on.
Please note that every woman and every body is different. Therefore, the white vaginal discharge can vary from woman to woman and may be more consistent or abundant in some women than in others.