How can one recognize endometriosis?
Nowadays, between 5% and 20% of women of childbearing age are affected by endometriosis, and every second woman complains of severe pain in the lower abdomen. However, despite the many people affected each year in France, this disease was unknown until recently.
In recent years, a real movement has emerged in France that has given a voice to women suffering from this disorder. We are seeing more and more women speaking out on social media about this issue to discuss this illness and raise public awareness.
Endometriosis is generally known as a condition that causes particularly severe abdominal pain . At the same time, it is rarely recognized or is often diagnosed late: Some women only find out about their condition 10 years after the onset of the first symptoms.
But what is endometriosis actually? And, more importantly, how can it be recognized and treated? Sisters Republic provides you with an overview of this gynecological disease.
What is that?
The main feature of endometriosis is the presence of endometrium-like tissue outside the uterine cavity, such as:
- The ovaries
- The fallopian tubes
- The intestine
- The bubble
This disease is known to cause severe pain. However, it can occur that it runs asymptomatically , meaning that the affected woman has no symptoms at all. In this case, care by the gynecologist is not necessary.
In women with endometriosis, the following symptoms may occur:
- Dysmenorrhea, i.e. painful menstruation.
- Dyspareunia: Pain during sexual intercourse.
- Dysuria, i.e. problems with urination.
- Belly button problems that lead to stomach pain.
- Cruralgia, i.e. pelvic pain that can radiate down into the leg.
The pain that the affected women experience is often very intense and can prove to be a real handicap. Furthermore, endometriosis can lead to a serious consequence: infertility.
How does one recognize the disease?
Many women unknowingly suffer from endometriosis and receive no diagnosis. This is due to a lack of information and communication.
The diagnosis of this disease can be complex. The first and most visible sign is very severe pain during menstruation.
"If your period is particularly painful, you should see a gynecologist who will give you a diagnosis. He will ask you about:"
- your symptoms.
- whether you are taking medication.
- "Your family history of endometriosis or gynecological cancers."
- "Your reproductive health, i.e. the age of your first menstruation, your pregnancy history, the frequency of your cycle, etc., are all important factors for your reproductive health."
Then he will perform a gynecological examination. This examination is essential to prescribe the appropriate treatment.
There are several tests to make a diagnosis.
The performance of a ultrasound examination allows for the detection of an endometrial condition, but also other possible anomalies such as:
- A cyst.
- Uterine fibroids.
The latter two can also cause similar symptoms as in endometriosis.
This examination method is completely painless. However, it is not always sufficient when there is a suspicion of more extensive endometriosis. In case of suspicion, one of the following examinations may be necessary.
The also painless MRI allows for a detailed examination of the internal organs. This enables the doctor to obtain more detailed results for a diagnosis.
Endorectal Ultrasound
This technique is only performed when endometriosis spreads to the rectum. In this process, the doctor inserts a fine catheter. This examination is referred to as pelvic ultrasound.
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. The doctor inserts a small camera through the navel and surgical instruments through small incisions that are between 5 and 10 mm in size.
Treatments for Endometriosis
Hormone treatment
The prescribed therapies vary from woman to woman. Usually, the doctor opts for a hormonal treatment: the continuous intake of the pill. It is taken nonstop and thus stops the menstruation. In this way, the pain is also reduced.
Sometimes a hormonal treatment is not enough.
your operations
An operation can be the right way in 2 situations:
- The illness is severe, which makes hormone treatment ineffective.
- The disease leads to infertility or other serious consequences.
"Then it may be necessary to remove cysts and adhesions present in the abdominal cavity through a surgical procedure."
There are two surgical methods for treating endometriosis:
- The conservative method: No organs are removed.
- The total method: The surgeon removes the uterus and the ovaries of the patient.
Tips for Pain Relief
In addition to the medical treatments mentioned above, there are other solutions for pain relief.
The hot water bottle
The hot water bottle is a completely natural home remedy. The application of heat to the painful area can relieve pain. However, its effectiveness is limited, depending on the intensity of the pain.
Psychology plays a key role in dealing with severe pain. The brain modulates pain. It can amplify or diminish it.
Meditation and Sophrology allow one to relax, focus on the mind, and create a distance between oneself and pain.
This technique makes the organs more mobile and thus reduces adhesions and contractures.
In addition to its soothing effect on body and mind, yoga during menstruation also contributes to pain relief . In fact, your body remains active and your mind relaxes. If you fear leaks and unwanted stains during your period, a perfectly hidden menstrual underwear under your sportswear can help.
Acupuncture restores the energy flows of body and mind. It can relieve pain in a specific area.
Finally and ultimately, it is also possible to alleviate the pain through a special diet . Experts recommend a diet based on fresh and healthy organic foods.
For example, you can add the following to your shopping list:
- Various vegetables.
- Lean animal protein.
- Vegetable and animal fats of good quality.