Entering adulthood brings many changes for young women. From the onset of menstrual cycles to the development of breasts and the growth spurt, this time is a challenging phase in every respect.
"With puberty, the ovaries begin to take on their function. They secrete the hormones estrogen and progesterone. The woman is now fertile: It is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. But with the first bleeding, the first questions also arise."
This time is very difficult for some women. Indeed, certain menstrual disorders can provoke fears, such as fear of illness or an unwanted pregnancy.
"To understand this transition phase, you should know the individual existing menstrual disorders. For ignorance is often the source of unjustified fears."
These disturbances include:
- Amenorrhea , the absence of menstruation.
- Menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea, i.e. a heavy and prolonged period.
- Dysmenorrhea, i.e. pain that occurs before or after menstruation.
- One speaks of an irregularperiod when the bleedingoccurs irregularly every month. It may happen that some women have shorter or longer cycles, which is usually not a cause for concern.
"It can also happen that the first period is very light. There is no reason to worry here either. Just let a few weeks pass and wait for the menstrual cycle to stabilize on its own."
"Sometimes menstrual bleeding is also weak over several cycles, this is called oligomenorrhea."
At Sisters Republic, you will learn everything you need to know about a weak period. What are the symptoms and possible causes? How is this disorder treated?
Oligomenorrhea: What is it?
The term "oligomenorrhea" literally means an insufficient menstruation.
A normal period lasts 5 to 6 days. During the menstrual cycle, about 50 ml of blood flows out daily. Nevertheless, some women have a period with an abnormally weak blood flow and at the same time a particularly long menstrual cycle. For this reason, the menstrual underwear is in any case an optimal solution, as it is suitable for every type of blood flow.
But beware: Oligomenorrhea should not be confused with amenorrhea:
- Amenorrhea refers to menstrual cycles that are more than 90 days apart.
- Oligomenorrhea refers to menstrual cycles that are more than 35 days, but not 90 days apart.
Symptoms and Causes
The main symptom of oligomenorrhea is the low blood flow during the cycle, i.e. an abnormally weak, below-average blood flow.
Oligomenorrhea also occurs when the menstrual cycles are particularly far apart: more than 35 days can pass between two cycles.
The reduced blood flow can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as:
- Sore breasts.
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
If the above-mentioned symptoms persist, you should see a gynecologist to determine the cause. During the examination, the specialist will look at the vagina and cervix with a speculum. This examination is completely painless and allows him to determine whether oligomenorrhea is actually present. In some cases, the gynecologist will perform an ultrasound to get a better view of the uterus. This method is also painless.
What are the possible causes?
The causes of this menstrual disorder vary from woman to woman. The causes of oligomenorrhea can be divided into two categories: common causes and rather rare causes.
The following causes of weak menstrual bleeding are the most common:
- Pregnancy. If your period is very light or has been absent for several weeks, pregnancy should not be ruled out. To be sure, you can buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy or have a blood test done.
- A lot of stress. In fact, a woman's mental state can have a real impact on her body and health. If you are suffering from high stress, you can consult a professional or practice relaxing exercises such as meditation or yoga.
- A hormonal disorder.
- The intake of oral contraceptives, especially the pill
The following causes of oligomenorrhea are rather rare:
- An ectopic pregnancy: when the fertilized egg grows outside the uterus. This is a specific, rare situation. However, even though it occurs very rarely, it is not impossible.
- A congenital anomaly, such as Turner syndrome, testicular feminization, primary ovarian insufficiency, etc.
- An anomaly of the endocrine glands. This includes, for example, hyperthyroidism, pituitary insufficiency, etc.
- PolycysticOvarian Syndrome .
- Anorexia nervosa. A rare psychological condition that can also be a cause of weak menstrual bleeding. Anorexia (anorexia nervosa) is a serious psychological disorder that can have very negative effects on the body and especially on the strength of menstruation.
How is oligomenorrhea treated?
First, we would like to point out that self-medication can be dangerous. Always consult a doctor first before taking anything that could harm your health. He can identify the cause of the problem and prescribe an appropriate treatment.
In principle, a weak menstruation does not necessarily need to be treated extensively. In fact, it is rarely the cause of a serious disorder. Most of the time, the doctor simply prescribes the pill to regulate the cycle.
However, oligomenorrhea can sometimes also be a sign of a more serious problem. In the case of polycystic ovaries, for example, the doctor must prescribe the appropriate medications. Only a gynecologist can select the right therapy.
If the cause is psychological in nature, such as severe stress or anorexia, therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist may also be necessary. In cases of excessive strain, it may be necessary to reduce physical or mental activities.